Leslie 102 Leslieleave the people among whom he had worked L E SL IE, JOHN, seventh E a r l and firstso long. In 1635 he had a dispute had richer preferment but that he refused to
Here he along with his bishopric, but resigned it onfound many of the mensal lands in the hands being translated to Cloghffl in June 1601.of lay usurpers, but recovered enough by a Leslie was never greedy for money, thoughcostly lawsuit to increase the value of his hB vell knew how to use it, and might havesee by one-third. In June was allowed jlflfchold the deanery of Raphoe1633 he w as translated to Raphoe. 422), and he was promoted to ( 'liestj | to London in twenty-four hours. Martins-in-the-Vintry ( N e w c u v r t, nearly n inet\, is Said to have ridden fromMe)iertorium, i. O do homage at tbe Restoration, Leslie, thenof St.